The Science

Dynamic Active Arch Support

AIRfeet utilizes a multi-patented design categorized as exciting and dynamic. Unlike other insoles or orthotics on the market that are classified as static in design.

Our dynamic design naturally stimulates the muscles under your feet while you move, inducing critical circulation from the lower back, through your legs and joints, and down to your feet.

AIRfeet add value to your lifestyle by reducing general foot problems in a natural and non-invasive way.

Customers often describe AIRfeet as ”weird”. We loved that term so much we trademarked it.

Dynamic vs Static

AIRfeet- dy·nam·ic
adj: dynamic
characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.

Others- stat·ic
adj: static
lacking in movement, action, or change, especially in a way viewed as undesirable or uninteresting.

Our technology, innovative thinking, creativity, research, industry success and flat out cool designs separate us from everyone out there.

We look better, we feel better and our results are better!

The Results

We can’t promise we can eliminate an area of discomfort. but if we can help reduce that pain level by “X” amount, naturally & non-invasively, we think there is a value in that.

AIRfeet products are tested in accredited and certified facilities as well as amongst the general consumer.


Our clinical study performed at Ohio State University produced outstanding  data.

With a >23% reduction in Athletic Shoes and >18% reduction in Work Boots, AIRfeet are the 1st insole to have been published in Applied Ergonomics for DYNAMIC vs STATIC Insoles.

ASTM F1614

Tested to the ASTM F1614 standard for shock attenuation. This is the same standard used to test many types of footwear and products as well as those used in our Military Services

ASTM F2412, ASTM F2413 (AirFeet ESD)

Tested and certified to the ASTM F2412 and ASTM F2413 standards. Within highly electrostatic and explosive environments, the slightest spark can cause catastrophic effects. AIRfeet ESD now compliments certified footwear for these working environments.

Our industry and consumer results are impeccable. Gathering data to show before AIRfeet, and after AIRfeet results that position our products ahead of our competition.

Dynamic Enhancement = Dynamic Results

You paid good money for your shoes so why are you tearing them apart? Just leave them alone and let AIRfeet bring a new level of Comfort & Relief that you’ve never experienced before.

AIRfeet are NOT a replacement to what you are already wearing, but instead a Life Changing Enhancement.

If you are already wearing an Orthotic, Footbed, Aftermarket Insole or Insert – GREAT,  just place AIRfeet right on top to experience our Dynamic Active Motion Technology.


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